Home : Service2000 : Logos and Other Graphics
Q30 - HOWTO: Logos and Other Graphics

Each of the customer documents can incorporate a graphic at the top, above the header information, and at the bottom as well. This is done by creating the graphic file, (see format requirements below), placing that file on each PC running ServiceShop™, and then configuring each ServiceShop™ client to see it.

Availability of custom graphics from GenesisFour
Some custom graphics to bring service orders and estimates into compliance with state regulations for automotive repair shops can be downloaded from Utilities & Downloads page of the GenesisFour support web.

File Location: Place the custom graphic on EACH PC on your network that is to use it. Place the file in it's own folder under the root directory (such as c:\customSSforms, for example), so that the file will be easy to navigate to during setup, and so that the file would not be inadvertently deleted if the ServiceShop™ client were ever uninstalled.

Setup in ServiceShop™:
- Go to Configuration, Local Settings, Printing.
- Click Update.
- Click on the "Document Type" drop down box.
- Select the form that will use the custom graphic file.
- Click the "Select File" button
(located to the right of the "File Name" field).
- Browse to and select the file.
- Click Save.

Testing: Print the document you have customized.

Note: You do not need to close the configuration window if you don't want to - so long has you've clicked Save, ServiceShop™ will use the custom file.

There are 5 customer documents that can incorporate graphics at the top and bottom area of each. They are:

- Service Order
- Service Invoice
- Parts Invoice
- Estimate
- Credit

Top Section
The top section of any of the customer documents can handle two sizes of rectangular graphics. Any graphic that might be placed here would need to be rectangular in shape, either 1/4" X 4" or a larger 0.827" X 6.7". Since many companies do print their company name in a specific font even without a graphic, the smaller size would be a good use for this feature. However, placing an illustration here, especially one with a square or round shape can be done with the larger size.

Bottom Section
The bottom section of any of the customer documents can handle a large graphic, and is dynamic, meaning that no matter how tall the graphic you place there is, the box that goes around the entire parts and labor section of the document will resize (e.g., the bottom of it will move up or down) to accommodate the height of the graphic. This means that a larger graphic, especially taller ones, such as square or round graphics, should be incorporated into the bottom. To keep the Logo you create the same size as what is already available on the Service Invoice it should be no bigger than 1.75" H X 7.71" W and it should be positioned 1/8" from the bottom of the page and 3/8" from the left side. You must keep all graphics and lettering within the rectangle.

Estimates and all other documents except service orders
Your custom graphic will REPLACE any standard disclaimer box that is printed there by the system (as entered into Divisional Settings, Messages & Disclaimers). This means that your custom graphic that is to be placed here must include not only the desired logo graphic, but anything else that you want printed at the bottom of the invoice, such as sales messages, disclaimers, certification logos (such as an ASE or Bosch (BSC) logo for example) company address & phone/fax info, etc).

Service Orders
Your custom graphic will NOT replace the standard disclaimer box that is printed there by the system (as entered into Divisional Settings, Messages & Disclaimers). This means that your graphic must be placed ABOVE the standard disclaimer box. If you don't do this, your graphic will fall ON TOP OF the standard disclaimer box (both will print). To force the placement of your graphic ABOVE the standard disclaimer box, place an empty rectangle (5.893" wide x 1.529" high, no fill, no line) in the LOWER LEFT CORNER of your graphic. This will cause your graphic to be placed ABOVE the standard disclaimer box. You will probably want your custom graphic to have an outline around it with a weight that matches the outline around the standard disclaimer box. To do this, use a black outline, thickness .8 points.

Beyond that, considering the number of documents capable of incorporating a graphic, some consideration needs to be given to each one. In other words, do you want to do a separate design for the service invoice, the parts invoice, and so forth, not so much because of the need for different logo graphics, but because of the possible need for different message and/or disclaimer text if a logo graphic is being incorporated into the document.

Required File Format
The required file format is .wmf (windows metafile).

Recommended Graphics Programs
Any program that will create, edit, and save a .wmf file (e.g., CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator).

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Q211 - HOWTO: Installing Custom Form Graphics

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Created on 4/1/2004.
Last Modified on 3/20/2013.
Last Modified by Fred Vibert.
Skill Level: Advanced.
Article has been viewed 6113 times.
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