Home : ServiceShop : How are Attachments Saved?
Q10090 - HOWTO: How are Attachments Saved?

How are Attachments saved?


Attachments have a size limitation and are saved within the ServiceShop database automatically by attaching them to the document or Inventory Card.


Note: The attachment is not a shortcut to the original document; it is just a complete copy of the original.


The original does not need to be saved as its copy is saved in the database.


Files can be attached to different places including the Service Order/Invoice (which can be viewed in History also.) An attachment can also be saved to an Estimate, a Credit Invoice, an Over the Counter Parts Invoice. The customer's file can also have an attachment as well as an Inventory Card


Remember, it is not saved, it is attached.

There are:

SO/SI Attachments

OTC Parts Attachments

Estimate Attachments

Credit Invoice Attachments

Inventory Card Attachments

Customer Attachments



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Created on 6/20/2011.
Last Modified on 2/21/2022.
Last Modified by Dimitri Patakidis.
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