Home : Car Care Club Card
Q10105 - HOWTO: Car Care Club Card

Car Care Club Cards
Car Care Club Card can be handled a few different ways.
The first way is when you complete the sale and take payment as if it was a coupon.
The second way is when you reduce the value of the job by "Discounting".
"CCCard Coupon"

• In QB - Create a new account in your G/L called "CCCCard Sales" numbered "4100"
• In QB - Create a new account in your G/L called "Cost of CCCCard" numbered "5100"
• In SS - Create a Fee called CCCCard and Interface with QB Account # 4100
• In SS - Create a Payment Type called CCCCard and interface as an Expense.

• Car Care Club Card to be recorded as a Fee and expensed to an Income account in QuickBooks in order to track the sales of the Card to your shop.
• Car Care Club Card to be recorded as a payment type and expensed to an COGS account in QuickBooks in order to track the cost of the coupon to your shop.
Export the Chart of Accounts by going to File>Utilities>Export>iif Files>check Chart of Account. Remember to be in QuickBooks as Administrator-Single User Mode. Name file "COA201x.iif" and save on Desktop.
Open ServiceShop>Configuration>QuickBooks>Chart of Account>File>Import COA.
To use Car Care Club Card, Accept Payment on Service Invoice as a “Split Payment” and in the CCCCard payment type put the value of the Car Care Club Card in the payment type as necessary and click OK.
An Expense Window will open, pick the binoculars and find the Account called "Cost of CCCCard" Fill in the Amount field with the value of the Car Care Club Card and make sure the Division is correct, Click “Add” then “OK”.
The second way is when you reduce the value of the job by "Discounting".
"Discounting CCCCard"
In SS - Create a Fee called CCCCard and Interface with QB Account # 4100
In QB - Create a new account in your G/L called "CCCCard Sales" numbered "4100"
In QB - Create a new account in your G/L called "Cost of CCCCard" numbered "5100"
Car Care Club Card to be recorded as a Fee and expensed to an Income account in QuickBooks  in order to track the sales of the Card to your shop.
An easy process, before Invoicing go to Tools>Apply Discount
If you discount the sale you will be reducing the taxes owed and the CCCCard will be taxable. The Fee "CCCCard" is made taxable in SS.
If you use the CCCCard as a Coupon the taxes will be paid
Setting up the Customer Source
Tracking the profitability of the Car Care Club Card is done using the Source Report.
Go to Configuration>System Setting>Customer Sources>File>New Source Group (or Rename Group). A window will open to name the Group "Car Care Club Card" Click “OK”.
File>New and create a source called "CCCard or “Car Care Club Card” as you wish.
When a customer give you a Car Care Club Card change the Service Invoice Source to “CCCard”
Run the Sales by Source Report monthly to track profitability of this type of Invoice

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Created on 5/1/2013.
Last Modified on 5/1/2013.
Last Modified by Fred Vibert.
Article has been viewed 12311 times.
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